Abstract: In the field of Computer Networks Engineering, the implementation process on building a whole computer network in the real-life is not easy. A single test bed takes a large amount of time and cost. So implementation of a whole network in real world is not easily possible and very costly to. The simulator helps the network developer to check whether the network is able to work in the real time or not. Thus both the time and cost of testing the functionality of network have been reduced and implementations are made easy. Designer can redesign or modify protocols, incorporate cryptographic operations. Network performance can be observed by various network performance measures modeled by network simulators like Bit Error Rate, Packet Drop Ratio, Quality of Service, Signal to Noise Ratio, Wavelength Utilization Ratio, and Network Sharing Capacity etc. We hope this survey prove to be a good reference source for those people who feel difficult to select the appropriate network simulators for their research.
Kata Kunci: Open-Source, Teknologi, Simulasi Jaringan, NS2, NS3, OMNeT++, JSIM, REAL
Penulis: Naufal Farras
Kode Jurnal: spkomputer170003

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