Perbandingan Kemampuan Analisis Siswa melalui Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning dengan Guided Discovery Learning

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to compare student analytical thinking that has learned by cooperative learning model everyone is teacher here method with guided discovery learning model mind maps method. This research is a quasi experimental research with the research design used postest only with non – equivalent control grup design. The population of this research is all of students grade X SMAN Kebakkramat academic year 2015/2016 that consist of ten classes. The sample of this research used three classes. The I experiment class has learned by cooperative learning model everyone is teacher here method, the II experiment class has learned by guided discovery learning model mind maps method, and control class has learned by conventional model lecture method. Technique of data collecting used test, observation, quissionare, and documentation. The data is analyzed by used one way ANOVA test with level of significance 5% (α=0,05) and real difference Tukey test. The research procedures are preparation, implementation and data analyzing. The results showed that there is significant differences of student analytical thinking who has learned by two different model (Sig.=0,000<α=0,05). The implementation of cooperative learning model everyone is teacher here method resulted higher student analytical thinking compared with the implementation guided discovery learning model mind maps method.
Keywords: student analytical thinking, cooperative learning, guided discovery learning
Penulis: Sania Novita, Slamet Santosa, Yudi Rinanto
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160282

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