Polarized Discourse in the Egyptian News: Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective
Abstract: The aim of this
study is to investigate ideological structures of polarized discourse coded in
the reports of two online news websites: egyptindependent and ikwanweb. The
study focuses on online news reports relating to three interrelated events: the
issuing of a constitutional declaration by Egyptian president, the aftermath
clashes outside presidential palace and the issuing of the Egyptian draft
constitution. The analysis of these reports is conducted within the framework
of Critical Discourse Analysis. The features of the ideologies of polarized
discourse are traced through: Quotation patterns and Labeling. The study
concludes with a discussion of how both websites establish a dichotomy of weversus
them. In addition, the reports of each website marginalize the other through
what is termed as ' Absent News'.
Keywords: polarization,
quotation patterns, labeling, CDA, news actors, ideological square, stereotypes
Author: Mohammed Mahmoud Eissa
Journal Code: jppendidikangg150158