Prototipe Robot Pendeteksi Warna menggunakan Sensor LED RGB pada Box

Abstract: Grouping objects or sorting on several industrial enterprises is still done manually by humans, as we know humans have limitations in thinking, often feel tired or neglects to carry out the activity.A consequence the task processing time becomes longer and decrease the productivity of the company. Robot is a mechanical device that can perform the task of replacing human labor, using either human supervision and control as well as using a program that has implanted an artificial intelligence device. Robots are usually used to replace humans when doing heavy duty, harmful, repetitive work.Robots are also often applied to the manufacturing industries and can help people and save time on the job, a robot is usually used in production (repetitive work) Another use is to assist people in moving an object without having to lift the object instance as colored box. From this created a prototype robot to sort by color detection where all the sorting activity is controlled by the device using the Arduino Uno ATmega328 microcontroller. The program inserted in arduino uno advance has been linked directly to other devices. After that the robot can automatically read color box according to data from the RGB sensor and automatically servo sorting boxes by color which has been read by the RGB sensor.
Keyword: Robot, Prototype, RGB, Arduino, Sorting, Box, Object
Penulis: Rakha Widiyanto
Kode Jurnal: spinformatika170004

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Sp Teknik Informatika dd 2017