Storybook Read-Alouds to Enhance Students’ Comprehension Skills in ESL Classrooms: A Case Study

Abstract: The effectiveness of using storybooks during read-alouds to develop children’s comprehension skills as well as in understanding the story hasbeen widely studied. The reading aloud strategy has also been proventhrough numerous researches to be the most highly recommendedactivity for encouraging language and literacy. The study identified thecomprehension strategies used by the teachers during their read-aloud sessions, matched teachers’ current practices using the comprehensionstrategies to the identified practices for the approach, and obtained the teachers’ perceptions of their current practices of the comprehension strategies during reading aloud in their English language classrooms. Theteachers’ comprehension strategies were matched with a research-basedstrategy for comprehending texts during read-alouds proposed by (Whitehurst, Arnold, Epstein, & Angell, 1994). Three primary school English language teachers teaching in the rural schools participated in thisstudy. Qualitative research methods were used in this study. Primary datawas obtained through observations using an observation protocol; while secondary data was obtained through interviews from teachers. Findings from the study revealed that the three teachers employed a few of the comprehension strategies that were proposed by researchers in the field. The findings also indicate that the teachers utilized only the strategies that they thought were relevant to their teaching context and as such, proposed the need to provide teachers with knowledge on the best practices for conducting reading aloud to develop ESL students’ comprehension skills.
Keywords: Read-aloud, comprehension skills, reading, comprehension strategies, literacy
Author: Ainon Omar
Journal Code: jppendidikangg150153

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