Abstract: This research aimed to measure the humidity level of paddy grain the instrument converted based oncapacitance measurement. The samples were paddy with variety of Anak Daro, BB 42, and Sokan. Themeasurements were performed using LC oscillator for paddy grain with initial humidity levels of 13%and 26%. The highest of oscillator output voltages were obtained for Sokan variety which had 1887.8 mVfor humidity level of 12.36%. The lowest output voltages were resulted for BB 42 variety with 1383.4mV for humidity level of 18.10%. The result showed that the humidity levels were inversely proportionalto the output voltage of LC oscillator.
Keywords: Rice, Humidity Level, LC Oscillator
Penulis: Syafitri Wahyuni, Lazuardi Umar
Kode Jurnal: jpfisikadd160450

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