ESTIMASI NILAI PROPERTI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT (Studi Kasus di Kantor Jasa Penilai PublikX Kota Medan)

ABSTRACT: This study purpose is to find out the estimated of property value of oil palm plantations. The independent variables used land area, plant age, production quantity, production costs, fresh fruit bunches price, cost of capital, ownership. This study was classified as action research using quantitative methods. The data used secondary data. The sample of this research was saturated sample. The population objectives amounted to 44 oil palm plantation companies that have been assassed by  the office of a public appraiser service X that located in Medan. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression model with computerized calculation. The result of this study with at α=5% showed that the plant age, production quantity, production cost, and fresh fruit bunches price had a significant affect on the property value of oil palm plantations, while the variables of land area, cost of capital, and ownership did not have any significant influence on the property value of oil palm plantations. The Variables that are very significant in the estimated value of oil palm plantations is the variable of fresh fruit bunches price. The implication is that the plantation property value is directly proportional to the price of fresh fruit bunches.
Keyword: estimation,property value, oil palm plantations
Penulis: Juliardi, Khaira Amalia Fachrudin, Endang Sulistya Rini
Kode Jurnal: spmanajemen170001

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