EVALUASI SISTEM PEMBELAJARAN (Menelaah Landasan Filosofis Evaluasi Pembelajaran dalam Perspektif Pengembangan Keilmuan di STAIN Kudus)

ABSTRACT: In the process of development, learning system applied at STAIN Kudus is fully geared to the transformation towards the archetypes that have been constituted. In the constitution of science that will be developed, the Islamic perspective on Transformative is the bedrock of scientific development which is formulated. Based on some of the policies that have been formulated by the government, the process of defining the curriculum in an institution is required to have its application into the system that has been set. In this case, the application of curriculum system applied by STAIN Kudus have it’s completely to the provisions of the governance system that has been set.
From the formulation of this research can be revealed that the philosophical foundation of evaluation developed at STAIN Kudus designed completely rely upon the Principal Scientific Pattern set. Transformation effort from text to context, the individual to the social, from the theoretical to the practical area became the basis locomotive for STAIN Kudus curriculum development.
KEYWORDS: Evaluation, Learning, Curriculum, Principal Scientific Pattern, Philosophical
Penulis: Mas’udi
Kode Jurnal: jppaudsddd142009

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Jp PAUD SD dd 2014