ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to analyze implementation of inquiry instruction for improving concept mapping skill. The subject of the research was student on grade 10 in islamic senior high school in subang district. Method of research used was quasy experiment with matching control group pretest-posttest design. Instruments used in this research were test and concept map about electricity. The treatment of experiment group was the combination of virtual-real experiment and virtual experiment, while control group was onlyreal experiment method. The result of analyzing data showed that the average of normalized gain <g> was in low criteria. Signifcant test of three averages normalized gain using analysis of varians (anova) showed that virtual-real experiment method was more signifcant in improving mapping concept skill than those virtual experiment and real experiment only.
Keywords: inquiry; mapping concept
Author: S. Gumilar
Journal Code: jpfisikagg160018

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Jp Fisika gg 2016