Abstract: By using historical approach, this article intends to examine the problems faced by Indonesia as a developing country in connection to the strengthening process of globalization. The rapid process of globalization has been responded aggresively by Indonesia without considering internal readiness. Since the New Order period, Indonesia has been very eager to appear as a modern nation by coping with the demand of globalization and economic liberalization as has been campaigning by the developed countries. Indonesia has responded excessively to liberalization through the jargon of globalization and regionalization. That is, Indonesia is very open to free competition with the outside world while the internal condition has not been well prepared. Internal conditions include the bureaucracy and other institutions as well as the quality of human resources. Since the New Order government, dozens of bilateral, multilateral, and international agreements have been signed by the Indonesian government for performing economic liberalization in the field of investment, trade, and labor which in turn causing what the so called ‘globalization trap’.
Keywords: globalization trap, colonization, regional architecture, liberalization, national interest
Author: Singgih Tri Sulistiyono
Journal Code: jpsejarahgg170004

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