Interaksi Edukatif dalam Pendidikan Islam: Telaah Atas Pemikiran Muhammad 'Athiyah Al-Abrosyi

ABSTRACT: The relationship of teachers and students is described as partners that form symbiotic mutualism. The harmony in educational interaction significantly impacts on the success of the learning process in the classroom. Teachers as educators and teachers must be able to play in empowering learners to become learners who are not qualified only intellectually but have moral quality (akhlakul mahmudah). The educational interaction that upholds moral principles and morals must take precedence. In view of ‘Athiyah al-Abrosyi educational interaction in the learning process should be based ethical principles that should be owned by teachers and learners. In the educational interaction, the teacher has a central role. In addition to teaching, then it is more important is the educator. The teacher described as a spiritual father for students, in addition to providing knowledge, is educating morals. And for learners in learning should have ethics, which in turns have an impact on the success of the world and the hereafter.
KEYWORDS: Interaction, educational, Islamic education, ‘Athiyah al-Abrosyi
Penulis: Rini Dwi Susanti
Kode Jurnal: jppaudsddd142017

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