Pemanfaatan Citra Landsat ETM+ dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pendugaan Limpasan Permukaan di DAS Jene’berang Hulu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Abstract: River basin of Jene’berang is a main river in Gowa Regency of South Sulawesi. The aims of the research are: 1) to study ability of Landsat ETM+imagery in collecting data and information of land physical parameter’s to estimate runoff coefficient, 2) to estimate and mapping spatial distribution of surface runoff using Landsat ETM+ and GIS application. The method in this research, were visual image interpretation for extraction landform and soil infiltration parameter’s, and digital image interpretation for extraction landcover/landuse. Data image was Landsat ETM+ imagery. Evaluation result of interpretation Landsat ETM+ imagery used Short Method. The processing and analyzing data used Geography Information System with overlay and scoring the based of Cook Method to yield spatial distribution of surface runoff map. The mapping unit used land unit approach the result of overlay map: landform, slope and land use. Procedure of data collecting was used stratified proporsionalrandom sampling. The result of runoff coefficient was evaluated with hydrographanalyzing approach. The result of this research were: 1) the data of remote sensing could be used for estimation runoff coefficient. Interpretation of the land physical parameter’s showed the accurate of the result Landsat ETM+ interpretation to the parameter landform 100%, the land cover/land use 88.37%, the soil infiltration 80%, and the slope started from surging to very steep difficult to interpretation of the Landsat ETM+ imagery, so it was needed secondary data such as digital contour map to extract DEM, 2) The upper of Jene’berang river basin had runoff coefficient distribution of normal class, high class, and extreme class, the major class was the highest class. Runoff coefficient value 64.60 % its the highest class category.
Keywords: Landsat ETM+, Geography Information System, DEM, Runoff Coefficient
Penulis: Nurfaika dan Nurlina
Kode Jurnal: jpfisikadd090073

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Jp Fisika dd 2009