PENDIDIKAN BAGI ANAK JALANAN (Analisis Sosiologis Anak Jalanan di Desa Sosial Kaligelis Kudus)

ABSTRACT: Education is very important in human life, especially children, as the successor generation of people. The phenomenon of street children in the Holy city is not much different in other big cities in Indonesia. Activities of children on the streets are as beggars and buskers. On average, they are still listed as students in formal education, although some of them took the decision to get out of the formal education. The author tries to analyze the phenomenon with the sociological approach, namely dramartugi theory, action and motivation developed by David McClelland.
KEYWORDS: Education, street children, Dramartugi
Penulis: Irzum Farihah
Kode Jurnal: jppaudsddd142008

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Jp PAUD SD dd 2014