Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning Menggunakan Media Exe Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Kerjasama Siswa Pada Materi Hidrokarbon
Abstract: This study aims to
determine the increase in students learning outcomes that learned using problem
based learning models using media exe learning on hydrocarbon material and
correlation between the contribution of teamwork activies to improve student
learning outcomes. The population all students of class X SMA Negeri 11 Medan
with 8 classes. The sample taken two classes namely one class as the
experimental class I who got teaching model of problem based learning using
media exe learning and the experimental
class II who got teaching model of problem-based learning without media exe
learning. In this study used test instrument and non-test instrumen. The test
instrument that used 16 valid questions with the realibility of 0.85. The
non-test instrument is used in the form of attitudes observasion sheet with
indicator includes participation in learning, involvement and help peers. Based
on the hypothesis test with significance level of 0.05 was tcount(4,285) >
ttable(1,668). This mean Ha accepted and Ho rejected which showed an increase
in student learning outcomes in the eksperimental class I higer than the
eksperimental class II. Then the correlation test results indicating a positive
correlation between the students teamwork activities with improving student
learning outcomes that rcount(0,681) > rtable(0,320) with a coefficient of
contribution 46.37%.
Penulis: Iis Siti Jahro, Dimas
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd150750