PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL MELALUI METODE BERMAIN PERAN (Penelitian Tindakan di Kelompok B1 Taman Kanak-kanak Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Pembina Kecamatan Kembaran, 2013)
ABSTRACT: This study aims to
improve the social skills of children through the method of role playing in the
kindergarten Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto’sLabschool and to determine
the constraints of social skills through role play methods which are given to children.The
research method used was action research method. This study was conducted from
4 March to 20 May 2013.. The analysis method of research using qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The success of the research is concluded with the
analysis using the percentage. Research declared successful if the percentage
of social skills assessment> 40 after doing activities with role playing
method. In the second cycle, twenty studentshas increased social skills.
Highest percentage increase in social skills achieved by the subject Yz, at
96.6%.Roleplaying learning methodsthatimplemented by teachers with step (1)
propose and discuss the situation. (2) prepare a roleplaying, (3) playing (4)
reveals the experience ; have done well. The objectives of the research has
achieved with the maximum expected.
Penulis: Desti Pujiati
Kode Jurnal: jppaudsddd151728