Struktur Mikro dan Konduktivitas Listrik Keramik Cordierite dengan Penambahan Magnesium Oksida (0, 10, 15 wt %) Berbasis Silika Sekam Padi

Abstract: Research was conducted to determine the effect of magnesium oxide 0, 10, and 15wt% to the microstructure and electrical conductivity of cordierite. Cordierite was made by commercial MgO and alumina and silica from rice husk which is extracted by sol-gel method. Synthesis of cordierite was done with solid state reaction method and sintering at 1250ÂșC for 3 hours. Microstructure cordierite analyzed by SEM/EDS, while the electrical conductivity was analyzed using LCR meter, as well as physical test include its density, porosity and shrinkage. The results showed that the addition of MgO has reduced density, and shrinkage of cordierite and increase porosity. Microstructure cordierite with the addition of MgO indicated that sample with a lot of pores and their agglomeration. Conductivity values decreased with the addition of 10% MgO and increased at 15% MgO.
Keywords: Cordierite, electrical conductivity, magnesium oxide, microstructure, rice husk
Penulis: Ade Lia Tristiana, Simon Sembiring, Wasinton Simanjuntak
Kode Jurnal: jpfisikadd170099

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