The Development and Standardization of Senior High School Chemistry Textbook For Year XI at Semester I Rsbi Class Based on Contents Standard of KTSP

Abstract: The aim of this research is (1) to analyze and develop of standard chemistry textbooks that proper to use in senior high school (shs) in class of XI at semester one RSBI class; (2) To know the subject matter that proper to be taught year XI shs at semester one RSBI class; (3) To get the standard chemistry textbooks that proper to use in shs year XI at semester one RSBI class; (4) To know what the teachers’ responds for the standard chemistry textbook development of shs year XI at semester one RSBI class; (5) To know the effectiveness of standard chemistry textbook of shs for year XI at semester one RSBI class. The sample was that four chemistry textbook that used in second year class of RSBI class of shs 1 Medan, shs 1 Tebing Tinggi and shs 1 Berastagi, 2 of chemistry lecturers of state university of Medan and 11 of teachers of RSBI class of shs 1 Medan, shs 1 Tebing Tinggi and shs 1 Berastagi as respondents. The sample of students were selected by using purposive sampling, the selected samples in every class were grouped based on their achievement on chemistry in the first semester to make them in to two categories, the relative high achievement (HA) and relative low achievement (LA). Experimental class was taught by using innovated teaching using standard chemistry textbook as a learning media while the control class was taught without using standard chemistry textbook. It was found that student’s achievement was increased when they were tough by using standard chemistry textbook than that of other textbooks . The effectiveness of standard chemistry textbook is obtained 50%. It is concluded that subject matter that are exact to be taught in year XI senior high school at first semester RSBI class are: quantum mechanics atomic theory, molecular shapes, thermochemistry, reaction rate, and chemistry equilibrium.
Keywords: contents standards of KTSP, effetiveness, standards chemistry textbook
Penulis: Dina Adreini Br Tarigan
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd150755

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