ABSTRACT: The introduction of material authentically accompanied with active learning, that is the learning process very effective to increase student learning outcomes. The aim of this research to determine the effect of problem basedlearning model assisted animation to increase student learning outcomes.This research is a quasi-experimental. The instruments that used in thisresearch was 10 essay test that have been pass validity test. The populationon this research were all students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi while the sample that taken was two classes ,that is X MIPA 7 and X MIPA 8where X MIPA 8 as the experimental class and the amount of students was32 students taught with problem based learning model and X MIPA 7 as control class and the amount of students was 30, was taught with conventional learning model. There are two kinds of research data that is inform of learning outcomes and observation of student activity. The data onlearning outcomes was begins with normality and homogeneity test. The average results of students learning outcomes on experiment class was 87.53while the control class was 85.14. The activity data are presented on percentage of individual activity classically . The activity for classes taughtwith PBL model was reach 82.01, while the class taught by conventionallearning model was 60.26. There was increasing of students activity withproblem based learning model as much as 26.52 %. There was effect of PBL assisted animation to increase student learning outcomes on topic Heat and temperature at grade X-science in SMAN 1 Berastagi, the average was 2.77>1.67, so that H0 is refused and Ha is accepted .
Keyword: Problem Based Learning, Activity, Learning Outcomes
Author: Dwira Nababan dan Rahmatsyah
Journal Code: jpfisikagg160013

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Jp Fisika gg 2016