Kontribusi Konsep Diri Akademik dan Motivasi terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris serta Implikasinya dalam Penyusunan Program Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Bidang Belajar

Abstract: The background of this research wasthe variation ofstudents’ achievement in learningEnglishatschool. Academic self-concept and motivation were assumed to have the most dominant effect on students’ achievement in school. The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe the academic self-concept, (2) motivation, (3) the achievement of English learning, (4) to test the contribution of academic self-concept to English learning achievement, (5) to test contribution of motivation to English learning achievement, (6) to test the contribution of academic self-concept and motivation to English learning achievement, and (7) to describe the preparation of Guidance and Counseling program to improve academic self-concept, motivation, and students’ achievement in the school. This research was done through quantitative approach with descriptive correlational method and qualitative approach. The population in this study was the students of XII IPA 1 to 4 of SMA 8 Padang. The sample was chosen by using simple random sampling. Meanwhile, informants in qualitative approach were the teachers of Guidance and Counseling. The Instrument used in the quantitative approach was questionnaire. On the other hand, the key instrument in the qualitative approach was the researcher. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, simple linear regression and multiple regression. While, qualitative data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s model. The findings of this research showed that: (1) the average description of the academic self-concept of students was in medium category, (2) students' motivation to learn was at high category, (3) the students’ English learning achievement was at goodcategory, (4) there is a contribution of academic self-concept to the students’ English learning achievement amounted to 20.3% (R = 0.451, sig. 0.000), (5) there is a contribution of motivation to English learning achievement of students amounted to 32.9% (R = 0.573, sig. 0.000), (6) there are contributions of both academic self-concept and motivation to the students’ English learning achievement amounted to 60.1% (R = 0.775, sig. 0.000), and (7) most of the Guidance and Counseling program for XII class of SMAN 8 Padang A.Y. 2015/2016 have been arranged well and the materials related to the improvement of academic self-concept, motivation, and students’ achievement have been contained and written in the Guidance and Counseling program that has been arranged.
Keywords: Academic Self-concept, Motivation, Learning Achievement
Penulis: Sesilianus Fau, Firman, Mudjiran
Kode Jurnal: jpbkdd160196

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