Student’s Self Concept of Dayak Ethnic of West Borneo

Abstract: This research purposes describing student’s self concept of Dayak ethnic of West Borneo. The used instrument to identify concept of student self of Dayak ethnic is self’s conceptscale that has been valid. This research subjects are 108 dayak students of three senior highschools. The conducted research procedure is utilizing quantitative research - survey crosssectional.  Sample decision is chosen by convening sampling, that is chosen sample with ease consideration. The data analysis which resorted is percentage. Based on result of research finding,generally, describing student’s self-concept of Dayak ethnic is in very high category, includes perceptual aspect(physical self-concept),conceptual (psychological self-concept),and attitudinal. Tosummarize this research, students of dayak ethnic have very high category of self concept, however,if it is compared with five other ethnic at Pontianak, student’s self concept of Dayak ethnic of West Borneo hold the worst result.
Keywords: concept of self; dayak ethnic students
Penulis: Yenni Rizal
Kode Jurnal: jpbkdd160554

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