A Mathematical Model for Predicting the Performance of the Renewable River Current Turbine with Consideration of Rotation
Abstract: River current
turbine is one of decentralized alternative energy technologies which is
believed to have lessenvironmental impacts and to offer no complex civil work.
This study is the continuous work of previous study on developing a
mathematical model for predicting the performance of river current turbine. In
present model, the effect of turbine rotation is included, providing a widening
understanding on the behavior of the turbine. To develop the model, the
momentum theory which is generally applied for wind turbine is adopted. The
result of the model requires inputting parameters of the water velocity, the turbine
radius, the wind rotational velocity and the blade rotational velocity tocalculate
the performance. Verification and parametric study using the model are
demonstrated and the limitation of themodel is discussed.
Author: Aditya Rachman and
Jenny Delly
Journal Code: jptmesindd110330