ABSTRACT: Helical pile foundation is an alternative to improve pile bearing capacity on peat soil. The helical pile cannot be applied as a single pile in order to be act as a reinforcement of a construction. Therefore, the helical pile has to be studied in a full scale examination on peat soil as a group of pile. Each foundation has been given axial load based on constant rate penetration loading and interpreted by using 25 mm settlement method. Theoriticaly, helical pile group bearing capacity can be calculated using two ways, i.e based on block failure and based on single pile bearing capacity times by total number of pile using cylindrical shear method. The interpretation of bearing capacity calculation result indicates that helical pile group foundation bearing capacity increasing linearly with number of piles.The experiment result of ultimate bearing capacity test and calculation result of single pile bearing capacity times by total number of pile using cylindrical shear method is quite close compared to calculation result based on block failure.   
KEYWORDS: Group, Helical Pile, Peat, Bearing Capacity, block failure, cylinder shear
Penulis: Vonni Septimarna, Ferry Fatnanta, Muhardi
Kode Jurnal: jptsipildd170370

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