Analisis Kebutuhan Robot Rehabilitasi Pasien Pasca Stroke dengan Menggunakan Metode Kano
Abstract: Product developments
of post stroke rehabilitation robot have being done either by local
universities or by foreign ones. In this development processes, customer needs
were identified prior to the use of QFD method, assuming that improved
performance of customer needs linearly affects satisfaction level. This
assumption frequently does not fit real condition in the market, wherein
customer satisfaction on certain needs dramatically increases by an improvement
on their performance and, on the other hand, improved performance on other
needs does not affect customer satisfaction at all. In this research, we
conclude that almost all of attributes under study belong to one-dimentional
categories. Exceptions are associated with portable attribute that belong to must-be
categoris and moveable attribute that belong to attractive categories.
Moreover, price attribute will affect consumer satisfaction the most given it
is fullfilled and control attribute will influence customer dissatisfaction the
most if it is not fullfilled.
Penulis: Hasan Mastrisiswadi,
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160169