Analisis Penentuan Rute Terbaik Menggunakan Shortest Route Problem dengan Metode UNSY untuk Meminimalisir Biaya Transportasi
Abstract: Printpro is printing
industry. Printpro is located at Kauman, Surakarta. Printpro produces some
products such as invitation cards, calenders, and hardcovers. It makes every
costomers in Printpro are new costomers. The new customers’ address which is
never known before makes the shipping process become a problem because the
sender should find the shortest route to decrees the fuel cost. The purpose of
this paper is to decide the shortest route to make the shipping process from
Karanganyar to Sukoharjo easier. The decission in finding the shortest route
used Shortest Route Problem approach
with Unsy methode. The sortest way to
get to Karanganyar was 16,6 km and to Sukoharjo was 16,2 km. With using this shortest
route method for the shipping to Karanganyar dan Sukoharjo is done in September
2015 and known that the different cost of the transportation was Rp 13.560,00.
It means that the transportation cost can be minimized by deciding some route.
Penulis: Aulia Hamada, Karina
Muryastuti, Yudi Hartono, Yuniaristanto
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160427