Analisis Postur Kerja Anak Sekolah Dasar Saat Menggunakan Komputer: Sebuah Studi Kasus
Abstract: In several countries
including Indonesia, compters used increas every year. Computer use is not only
by adults or office but also children and primary school had been using the
computer. Increasing computer used in children couse problems pain and stiffnessin
the arms, neck, shoulders and around the back after using the computer. In this
study to evaluate children working posture using computer. Assessment of
children working posture performed on SDN 15 dan SD Widya WAcana 2 Surakarta
using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). RULA evaluation of children who have
no score boxes at both schools.
Penulis: Martika Mayangsari,
Irwan Iftadi, Taufiq Rochman
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd130570