Analisis Sistem Antrian di Plasa Telkom Solo dengan Metode Simulasi
Abstract: Plasa Telkom Solo is
a service place belonging to Telkom which is provided to serve Telkom customer
with nine service servers. Those nine services servers can handle new setting
and mutation, complains, information, and cash payment and non cash payment. Queue
in the scale of customer service is important to be considered because the long
queue will make the customer uncomfortable. The queue happens because the need
of service is bigger than the capacity of service. Therefore, the customer
cannot be served immediately because the busy service. This research is
conducted to analyze the queue system to find the best number of the server and
service system in Plasa Telkom Solo. This research uses simulation method to
find the best solution for the company to decide the number of the servers. The
simulation model is used because this model can give solution if analytic model
is failed to do that. Analytic model cannot be used in this research since in
Plasa Telkom Solo there are four kinds of service with different approximate
time service. Based on the research, the best numbers of server is seven.
Meanwhile, the service system model are combining service 1 (new setting and
mutation) and service 2 (complain) with the number of server 5 and service 3
(information) combines with service 4 (cash payment and non cash payment) with
number of server is 2. This model can reduce the queue time for 21,7325 minutes
(before the simulation) to be 17,8694 minutes (after simulation). The time
difference is 3.8631 minutes with utilization 0,8996 (89,96%) or 458,796
minutes (7,65 hours) per day and the free time for the server is 0,1004
(10,04%) atau 51,2040 minutes (0,85 hours) per day, in which per day there is
8,5 work time.
Penulis: Eko Liquiddanu,
Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari, Yaning Tri Hapsari
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd090080