Creep Properties of Walikukun (Schouthenia ovata) Timber Beams
Abstract: This study presents
an evaluation of creep constants of Walikukun (Schouthenia ovata) timber beams
when rheological model of four solid elements, which is obtained byassembling
Kelvin and Maxwell bodies in parallel configuration, was adopted. Creep
behaviorobtained by this method was further discussed and compared with creep
behavior developed using phenomenological model of the previous study. Creep
data of previous study was deformationmeasurement of Walikukun beams having
cross-section of 15 mm by 20 mm with a clear span of 550 mm loaded for three
weeks period under two different room conditions: with and without Air
Conditioner. Creep behavior given by both four solid elements model and
phenomenological (in this case are power functions) had good agreement during
the period of creepmeasurement, but they give different prediction of creep
factor beyond this period. The power function of phenomenological model could
give a reasonable creep prediction, while for the four solid elements model a
necessary modification is required to adjust its long-term creep behavior.
Keywords: Creep; four solid
element creep model; Walikukun timber; rheological model; phenomenological
Author: Ali Awaludin,
Ngudiyono Ngudiyono, Achmad Basuki
Journal Code: jptsipilgg160072