Evaluasi Kapabilitas Sistem Informasi Manajemen Akuntansi Barang Milik Negara di Satuan Kerja TNI Angkatan Laut
Abstract: Information
Technology (IT) on Government good Accounting management of Information System
(SIMAK BMN) is a computer system built by economic ministry. SIMAK BMN in
government is a needed information system as a tool to responsible of using
APBN, and it’s a function to serve a
result of economic report transparently and accountable. A military SIMAK BMN
reported by work unit of Navy as unit of accounting unit which using good
responsibility. It’s determine the opine adjustment of BPK RI such as proper
without exception (WTP), Proper with Exception (WDP), It does not proper, and
disclaimer. Using SIMAK BMN in UAKPB has an important position. But it has
never been determined so it has never known it’s efficiently and capability of
managing the information technology. Knowing the problem is needs a research
and finding to know how far the determined result of capability process SIMAN
BMN information technology. The research is repairing management and the system
is used optimally. The research method is using framework COBIT5. The method is
the way how it determines the respondent answer from questioners which is built
using Monitor Domain, Evaluate and Assess (MEA). It is focusing on a watch,
adjust, and regularly of all information
technology system used. According to the answer from responder, it will be got the level
capability MEA01 is 3,71, MEA02 is 2,38, and MEA03 is 3,67. The average score
is 3,26. It is in level 3 (Established process) form 0-5. Getting the hoping
capability, it is advised by developing performance of SIMAK BMN information
technology in the future.
Penulis: Suhardi, Zulfa Fitri
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160435