Evaluasi Usabilitas SIKAPTA Jurusan Teknik Industri UNS Menggunakan Hierarchical Task Analysis
Abstract: SIKAPTA is a
computer based information system owned by department of industrial
engineering, Sebelas Maret University (UNS). SIKAPTA is designed to manage
course activities, specifically for Kerja Praktek and Tugas Akhir subject.
SIKAPTA has not been evaluated since SIKPATA implementation, so it is important
to evaluate specifically for usability problems. This research uses
Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) approach in order to generate structured tasks
for each user while they use SIKPATA and then uses the HTA of SIKAPTA as a
bases to evaluate the usability of SIKAPTA. In addition to HTA, an usability
guideline was developed and used to help SIKAPTA’s users to find the usability
problems while they use SIKAPTA. The evaluation of SIKAPTA involved three kinds
of user, they are administrator staff, students, and coordinator of Tugas
Akhir. The result of this research shows that a mapping of users’s tasks using
HTA can facilitate in conducting usability evaluations in detail for each
application interface used for a task. In addition to that, the evaluation of
SIKAPTA shows that there are 31 complaints said by users, which consists of 4
complaints from administrator, 13 complaints from student, and 14 complaints
from coordinator of Tugas Akhir. The complaints represent usability problems
and they are distributed in 3, 15 and 12 tasks for administrator, student, and
coordinator of Tugas Akhir respectively.
Penulis: Irwan Iftadi, Yusuf
Priyandari, Fransiska Endah Cahyaningrum
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd120195