Kajian Unjuk Kerja Metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Untuk Penetapan Banjir Rancangan Pada Das Di Pulau Jawa (Studi Kasus Das Cimanuk Hulu)
Abstract: Recently, new
methods for calculating unit hydrograph are growing fast. Therefore, an idea to
compare each methods is necessary needed to ensure which method fits the most
to the caracteristic of a particular basin. These some Synthetic Unit
Hydrograph (SUH) methods which are Nakayasu SUH, Snyder SUH (in HEC-HMS), and
GAMA I SUH, compared with Unit Hydrograph calculation method Collins, which is
based its formula on measured hydrograph data. By doing summary to the results,
one conclusion is received that the hydrograph by Snyder SUH in HEC-HMS fits
the most to the hydrograph by Collins. Results of this study is aimed to ensure
the researchers that Snyder SUH in HEC-HMS can also be alternative to make some
hydrograph analysis
Penulis: Amaltia Gunawan
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd070055