Mentoring program and its impact on individuals’ advancement in the Malaysian context
Abstract: The literature on
workplace training highlights that the mentoring program is an important
employee development method practiced in successful organizations. The ability
of mentors either informally or formally to implement the mentoring program
activities may lead to higher individuals’ psychosocial support and career
development. The nature of this relationship is interesting, but the role of
the mentoring program as a predicting variable of individuals’ advancement
(psychosocial support & career development) has been given less attention
in mentoring program models especially in the Malaysian organizational context.
Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the direct effect of a mentoring
program on individuals’ advancement using a 153 usable questionnaire gathered
from employees who have worked in a public university in East Malaysia. The
outcomes of regression analysis showed four important findings: Firstly, formal
mentoring positively and significantly correlated with individuals’
psychosocial support. Secondly, informal mentoring positively and significantly
correlated with individuals’ career development. Thirdly, formal mentoring
positively and significantly correlated with individuals’ career development.
Fourthly, informal mentoring positively and significantly correlated with
individuals’ psychosocial support. The results have empirically confirmed that
properly implemented mentoring programs can lead to increased individuals’
advancement in the studied organization. In addition, implications and
discussions are also elaborated.
Author: Azman Ismail, Muhammad
Madi Abdullah, Sebastian K. Francis
Journal Code: jptindustrigg090031