Model Pengendalian Sedimentasi Waduk Mrica Dengan Fluidisasi
Abstract: Sediment rate of
Mrica reservoir is much faster than its early design by which it causes life
time service of Mrica reservoir becoming shorter than previous assumption.
Sediment control has been being operated by flushing, but it seems less
optimal. This research aims to develop
both laboratory models of fluidization and fluidizer systems for controlling
sedimentation in Mrica reservoir. This research was carried out to experiment
model in a laboratory regarding effectiveness of fluidization system especially
to support sediment flushing. Sample sediment tested was from Mrica reservoir
bed. There were two models including a flushing model alone and a flushing
model assisted by a fluidizer pipe. Experiment was conducted in various
discharges, sediment depths, and pipe pressures.
The research results show that sediment category in Mrica reservoir is
cohesive material consisting around 80% of medium to coarse silt. Compared to
the flushing mechanism alone, the combination of flushing and fluidization can
increase the volume of sediment removal by 67.54 %, 67.88 %, and 71.26 % for
the discharges of 0.123 litre/sec, 0.185 litre/sec, and 0.369 litre/sec respectively.
The combination of flushing and fluidization is also able to improve model
efficiency by around 4.38 %, 4.54 %, and 5.07 % for the same variation of
Penulis: Suroso, Wahyu
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd090075