Optimalisasi Distribusi Armada Transportasi UKM Tahu Mojosongo - Solo

Abstract: A company or business entity is required to perform the activities effectively and efficiently. The economic condition of the enterprise develop rapidly between companies or business entities get stiff competition. In the face of competition, companies need planning and cost control, especially in distribution transport logistics. One way that can do is to reduce operating costs, especially in terms of logistic distribution, logistic distribution costs which are rarely considered. The study was conducted at the home industry manufacturing know Sentra Industry Tahu, Mojosongo RW 03, Surakarta. The problem that occurs is unoptimalization product distribution that due to limited fleet which causes inefficient distribution activities in terms of time and cost. Of the issues raised, there are vehicles used alternative is to use motorcycles and cars, both for new vehicles and used vehicles. To find an alternative use can be done by calculating the net persent value and payback period. Based on the calculation of NPV and PBP is known that the chosen alternative is to increase the company's investment in the form of the addition of used cars as a consistent supporter of logistic distribution with the NPV was Rp. 426.548.000,00 and the return on investment amounted was for 3 months 17 days.
Keywords: Investment feasibility, logistic system, net present value, payback period, transportation
Penulis: Edwin Fakhrul Arifin, Febriana Kusumawardani, Poppy Nandasari, Yuniaristanto
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160440

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