Abstract: Some of the desired
performance of the machining process Wire-Cut Electric Discharge Machining CV.
Catur Prasetya Packindo is rate workmanship short and surface roughness of
lower cutting. The problem is how to manage the performance of process
variables that can be optimized simultaneously.To perform the optimization
process must first be determined the relationship between the performance of
the machining process wire cut to variable Interpulse process, Electric
current, Wire Speed and Variable Frequency with PCA method.The relationship
model is obtained from experiments carried out by the draft Central Composite
Design (CCD) .Optimasi response is made with the help of Minitab software 16.
The data used in this study are primary data obtained from experimental
results. Variable response to be observed include material processing rate
(MRR), cutting time, cutting width, surface roughness (Ra), then a constant
variable is a variable process that is not examined. These variables are
maintained during the experimental process so it does not affect the results.In
order to estimate the contribution of the influence of each factor on the
response so that the accuracy of the model used can be determined, then used
analysis of variance (ANOVA) which is a quantitative calculation techniques. To
determine the extent to which the accuracy of the values that are statistically
stationary generate value optimal response, then validated against the values
stationary.To prove the presence or absence of a deviation between the results
of the validation test will be conducted on the calculation of the sample one
for setting optimum parameters for a confirmation test. Optimization of the
cutting material samples SKD-11 is around 15 mm to produce the shortest time 5
minutes 21 seconds, cutting the narrowest width of 0.481 mm, the minimum
surface roughness in Ra of 6.0 μm and maximum MRR was 13,93 . The fourth value
is the best setting parameters obtained from the optimization by setting a
value Pulse interval of 9, electric current of 10 Wire speed by 5 and variable
frequency by 80.
Penulis: Mulyadi, Agus Puji
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd160369