Abstrak: Makalah ini menyajikan pemodelan dan simulasi sistem pembangkit turbin gas PLTGU Tanjung Priok. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan pendekatan sistem turbin uap. Model yang dikembangkan hanya menerima perubahan beban sebagai input pada sistem.Untuk pengendalian frekuensi sistem dicoba tiga jenis sistem kendali; speed-droopgovernor, speed-droop governor dengan kendali integral, dan speed-droop governor dengan dengan kendali integral dan derivatif. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan, saat terjadiperubahan beban, kendali speed-droop governor dengan kendali integral dan derivatifmampu mengembalikan frekuensi sistem ke 50 Hz tanpa osilasi . Abstract. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of the gas turbine generating system of Tanjung Priok Combined Cycle Power Plant. The gas turbine model isapproximated using steam turbine systems. The model developed only accepts load changes as input to the system. Three types of control systems; speed-droop governor, speed-droop governor with integral control, and speed-droop governor with integral and derivative control have been tried to control the frequency of the system. The simulationresults show that, in the presence of load changes, the speed-droop governor with integraland derivative control is able to bring back the system frequency to 50 Hz withoutoscillation.
Keywords: Gas turbines, control systems, governors, speed-droop, integral and derivative control
Penulis: Indrawanto, H. Cahyono
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd090208

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