Pengaruh Pemasangan Kapasitor Shunt Terhadap Konsumsi Daya Aktif Instalasi Listrik
Abstract: The application of
shunt capacitor is an alternative solution in improving power factor on
electrical installations, so the use of electric energy become more efficient.
Here we hope that capacitor will give both technical and economical benefit
from decreasing power consumption and electric bill. Contributions of
installing shunt capacitor to active power consumption on residential
installation, which one of electrical bill has been studied.Based on
experimental using 2-14 F capacitors on installation model
with inductive load show that shunt capacitors decrease total apparent power
(VA) up to 58% dependent of its original power factor, but increase active
power consumption (up to10 W). From this, installing shunt capacitors will
increase cost of kWh that consumer must paid. Application of shunt capacitors
will give any benefits to residential consumer in case releasing power capacity
Penulis: Winasis, Azis Wisnu
Widhi Nugraha
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd070061