Abstract: Visual inspection
task is the inspection activity of a product with the eye position centered
over the moving conveyor, the faster the product is produced, the more critical
the time of the inspection operator. The conditions in the long term will
result in a decrease in productivity (Manuaba, 1992). The research objective to
be achieved, among others: (1) Determining the optimal level of productivity
based on the studies measure of performance checks on experimental design in
every visual inspection task beverage packaging cup "Panther". (2)
Determine the influence of lighting, working position and gender on the
productivity of visual inspection task on beverage packaging. The object of
research is part operator checks on beverage packaging cup "panther".
Here are 10 people who have IQ scores of 90-120 aged 20-25 years. The research
method was experimental method. The independent variables consist of lighting
levels, working position, and gender. Variable manipulated into 12 groups
experimental design. Data processing is done by checking the performance
measurement approach. Analysis of experimental data using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA), and productivity. The study states that: (1) the highest labor
productivity LkB200 experimental design (male, standing working position, the
lighting level of 200 Lux) for 0.833. But the productivity of all design
experiments have not reached optimal productivity, (2) Areas of different
interactions in experimental design factor is the level of lighting in the
working position. These factors affect the number of detected defects and work
Keywords: Lighting,
Measurement Time, Productivity, Performance Measures Inspection, Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA)
Penulis: Yanti Pasmawati,
Christofora Desi Kusmindari, Paulus Sukapto, Johanna Renny Octavia
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd170061