Pengenalan Tutur Vokal Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Multi Layer Perceptron
ABSTRACT: Indonesian language
is a national language of Indonesia which can be interpreted as sound symbol that
can be used as a communication device. In that communication process,
information in the form of signal can be obtained. There are many researches on
voice signal of Indonesian language. In this research, Indonesian vocal signal
recognition automatization is developed by using Multilayer Perceptron to
increase accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision. The recognition is
done by using Discrete Wavelet Transform to 100 speakers that result in 500
characteristic data for training and testing. The classification process
results inaccuracy as much as 95,9%, sensitivity 90,2%, specificity 97,5%, and
precision 89,8%.
Penulis: Risky Via Yuliantari,
Risanuri Hidayat, Oyas Wahyunggoro, Anan Nugroho
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160356