Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Fasilitas Untuk Meminimasi Ongkos Material Handling
Abstract: PT. Kirana Semesta
Panganis a company engaged in the field of food processing. The industry
isproducing a wide range of food products such as meatballs, spicy meatballs
and sauce seasoning. From the initial identification, the existing conditions
of production layout does not fit the flow of the production process, thus
causing the material handling is not optimal. The purpose of this research is
to improve the plant layout to minimize the cost of material handling using
Systematic Layout Planning (SLP). This research is obtained 3 alternatives
layout that is able to minimize the cost of material handling by 24,15-36,41%.
With this result, the company can choose the layout that fits the production
Penulis: Rizki Wahyuniardi,
Agi A. Setiawan
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd140630