Perbaikan Tata Letak Gudang Produk Setengah Jadi CV Harapan Baru Menggunakan Metode Class Based Storage
Abstract: CV Harapan Baru is a
company engaged in the field of printing. In the warehouse,, there is a
warehouse for raw materials and warehouse for semi-finished products. After
printing, semi-finished products are taken by the publisher and the publisher
entered into a binder. In observations of allocating semi-finished products ,
company conducts random storage that resulting length of the operator in making
semi-finished products to be distributed to publishers. Therefore, the repairs
warehouse layout semi-finished product using Based Storage Class Method to be
effective in making decision. In this study, the Class Storage Based method in
the placement of semi-finished products made of grouping based on the book
publisher. With this method, the operator can perform retrieval semi-finished
products with ease and warehouse cleanly. The improvement warehouse layout can
reduce material handling costs which originally amounted Rp300,000,000.00 to Rp
202,488,104.00 per year.
Penulis: Ardacandra Faisal
Pinasthika, Eva Kholisoh, Nur Azizah Rahmadani
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160429