Plant maintenance management practices in automobile industries: a retrospective and literature review
Abstract: This paper endeavors
to present a classification, review and analysis of the literature on Plant
Maintenance Management Practices (PMMP) employed in Automobile Industries.
There is a considerable amount of published research available concerning plant
maintenance during the last few decades. Similarly many research articles are
available which focuses on various aspects of automobile industries. However,
very few studies focus on critical examination of maintenance practices in
Automobile Industries in particular. Hence considering the slump in automobile
industries in the recent times, a wide-ranging and focused review is attempted
here and only those researches have been examined which mainly concentrates on
this core aspect. Thus one of the objectives of this literature review is to
investigate the present state of Plant Maintenance Management Practices, based
on studies conducted in different countries and published in a variety of
journals over the past two decades. An examination of 55 pertinent research
studies have shown that the publications can be grouped in two categories
namely Conceptual and Empirical Research. An analysis of these research
articles published between 1990 and 2008, revealed that current maintenance
practices ranges from conventional to the latest techniques for optimizing
maintenance function like TPM, RCM and Proactive Maintenance. These studies
focused more on maintenance problem solving and the main difficulties are
reported along with probable solutions. Another goal of the paper is to analyze
the articles by year and type of journal they were published in, to determine
the trends in maintenance management studies and recommend future direction for
Author: Mahesh Pophaley, Ram
Krishna Vyas
Journal Code: jptindustrigg100017