Simulasi Penerapan Mikrokontroller At89c51 Dalam Proses Penyortiran Balok Kayu Berdasarkan Kriteria Panjang Dan Ketebalan
Abstract: The main problem on
sorting out the wood logs in traditional wood industry was that the process
should be done manually. Hence, it required an automated system to perform
sorting process with a higher precision level. The purpose of this research was
to create a simulation of automated wood log sorting process based on specified
length and thickness. The sorting system consisted of AT89C51 microcontroller
system, keypad (in order to enter the required value of length and thickness),
LCD (in order to display the result of sorting process), conveyor belt, two
pairs of light sensor (consisting of photodiode and LED, each), and three DC
motors which were driven by five relay circuits. At the beginning of sorting
process, an operator was to type the selection range (i.e. the minimum and
maximum value of required length and thickness) via the keypad provided. The
wood log mounted on conveyor belt would be measured by light sensors to
determine the value of length and thickness. Based on the values, AT89C51
microcontroller system would then compare them to the selection range. If the
log being sorted out fulfilled the requirements, it would be directed to
"Accepted" compartment, or else to "Rejected" one. From the
test performed, it was concluded that the length measurement was more precise
for short logs. While the error rate was much higher for thin logs on thickness
measurement. The process of sorting out and counting the wood logs was
performed successfully. The system could use the narrowing mechanism at the
mounting part of conveyor belt and better supporting ace on thickness sensor,
in order to minimize the error rate on length and thickness measurement,
respectively. In addition, the system could be developed to measure the volume
of an object, providing that the object being measured was having a square or
full-circle cross-sectional area.
Penulis: Arief Hendra Saptadi,
Vita Nurdinawati
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd080095