Abstract: The purpose of this
study was to create a design and prototype data processing lecturers Curriculum
Vitae can be generated so that the output of information that has the
characteristics, availability, easy to grasp, Relevant, Useful, Timely,
Reliability, Accurate and Consistent The study used secondary data obtained
from the documents in the civil service such as education history data. Then
the document on the academic part of carrying out the education and teaching,
while carrying out research and development and produce scientific papers,
carry out community service from LPPM document. The amount of data is 336
people, both men and women with diverse groups of rank and in part to spread
the eight positions in the work unit environment Malang Merdeka University. All
the above data was collected with documentation technique is to copy the
documents that are relevant to the design development curiculum vitae lecturer
at Malang Merdeka University. From the results it can be concluded designing
application design curiculum administration vitae can be used for academic
services on campus and off campus faculty services so that the needs of faculty
in academic, other needs related curiculum vitae can be served quickly. In the
determination of policy, administrative application design can be used as a
control tool to determine the development of each faculty in the respective
majors on college Tridarma activities, also could provide another motivation
for the professors to improve Tridarma activities and activities that are
relevant outside the campus.
Penulis: Rusdijanto
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd150846