ABSTRACT: In the era of
globalization, technological development is very rapid, Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) has become part of human life that can not be
separated. where ICTs make our lives easier and more enjoyable. But ICTs can
also be used for the crime. cybercrime is a criminal offense which is done by
using computer technology as a major crime.From the information above there are
many communities that use the gadget Ranging from Mobile, Smartphones, Tablets,
Laptops and PCs are already connected to the Internet, there are still many
people who experience crime Cybercrime ignorance of knowledge. Indonesian
people themselves to report kepihak responsible for dealing with cases of cyber
crimes and their reluctance to report for dikepolisian procedures are so
complicated and for reporting model that still konvensional.Maka here the
author makes a framework for reporting cybercrime police kepihak so that people
easily and quickly in report, if there are victims of crime cyber.penelitian
was conducted in this study Surakarta.metode city Mapolresta menggembangkan
from a previous study conducted by Shin Yong-dalNew models for cyber crime
investigation Procedure, namely the framework stages of handling cases of cyber
crime.hasil development that the writers are making cybercrime reporting
framework using informasi.dengan system information system cybercrime report,
then the public will quickly and easily in the report, if it becomes a victim
of cyber , as well as the police was quick to respond and when a report from
Penulis: Daryono
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd170209