Perbandingan Kecepatan Gabungan Algoritma Quick Sort dan Merge Sort dengan Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort dan Selection Sort
Abstract: Ordering is one of
the process done before doing data processing. The sorting algorithm has its
own strengths and weaknesses. By taking strengths of each algorithm then
combined can be a better algorithm. Quick Sort and Merge Sort are algorithms
that divide the data into parts and each part divide again into sub-section
until one element. Usually one element join with others and then sorted by. In
this experiment data divide into parts that have size not more than threshold.
This part then sorted by Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort and Selection Sort. This
replacement process can be reduce time used to divide data into one element.
Data size and data type may affect time so this experiment use 5 data sizes and
3 types of data. The algorithm dominates in experiment are Merge-Insertion Sort
and Merge-Selection Sort.
Penulis: Muhammad Ezar Al
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd170224