Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi pada Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Control Objective for Information & Related Technology (COBIT) 5
Abstract: A College needs a
good governance in implementation of information technology, especially which
related with information security because information is an important asset.
Framework which can be used for the preparation of information security
governance is COBIT 5 from ISACA. The first
step to start the preparation of the governance using COBIT is mapping
between the goal of college with enterprise goals (EG), IT Related Goals and
domain process COBIT 5. From 15 colleges that have been accredited in West Java
(15 Januari 2015), produced 13 EG related for college accreditation A, B and 10
for college accreditation EG C. For a sample in process capability assessment
of information security governance, we used Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
(UMMI) as the research object, which is an accredited college C, and EG focused
on optimization of business process functionality associated with the alignment
of IT goals of IT and business strategy, and 10 processes, i.e EDM01, EDM01,
APO01, APO02, APO03, APO05, APO07, APO08, BAI01, BAI02. From the results
obtained capability assessment process UMMI value of 7 is on level 0, ie the
value of the attribute <15-50% and 3 process closer to fulfillment level 1,
ie the interval> 50-85%. Gap analysis results, it turns out that making such
UMMI lack of work products (evidence / result) of activities of governance
processes deemed to have been executed. To meet the achievement level, it is
recommended to perform compliance on each best practice and work products, and
can be initiated by creating a guide to information security.
Penulis: asriyanik, Mokhamad
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd170236