Adaptive Energy-Aware Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract: Due to the downside
characteristics of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) such as dynamic topology and
energy consumption and control overhead, network clustering is one of the
promisingsolutions. Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) is a robust and
scalable routing protocol for MANETs.Clustering formation algorithm used in
CBRP is a variation of simple lowest-ID algorithm in which the node with a
lowest ID among its neighbors is elected as the Cluster head. Neglecting
mobility and energy forselecting cluster head is one of the weakness points of
the algorithm. In order to increase stability of the network and to prevent
re-clustering an adaptive energy-aware Cluster Based Routing Protocol (AECBRP) is
proposed. Two algorithms have been introduced in AECBRP as enhancement to the
CBRP: improving the cluster formation algorithm by considering relative
mobility, residual energy and connectivity degree metrics, and add in an
efficient cluster maintenance algorithm based on the aggregate energy metric of
cluster head. Using NS-2 we evaluate the rate of cluster-head changes, the
normalization routing overhead and the packet delivery ratio. Comparisons
denote that the proposed AECBRP has better performances with respect to the
original CBRP and Cross-CBRP.
Author: Fatemeh Hakimifar
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150090