Abstract: Submission of information regarding health information services in the Yogyakarta area by using existing methods are less effective in providing health care information in the area of Yogyakarta. In the delivery of health care information to the public, the health department is still experiencing problems that beupa fasiltas service are still limited to media socialization is by using the health department website. In this study aims to design a mobile application based healthcare information system android that can provide health care information to the public and can show the way to a treatment that is in the Yogyakarta area.
In this study, the subject of the research is to make health care information system application based on Android using Java software and hadware Juno Eclipse IDE Asus Smartphone. In the application of this health care information system will provide information on Yogyakarta, disease, drug product, addresses the treatment, the treatment, and about.
The results of the application of this health care information systems that can assist and facilitate the public in accessing health services. From the results of testing the feasibility of an application performed can be obtained percentage response from the community shows that it is agreed on this application as much as 71% and as much as 28% agreed. Then this application is acceptable and is already fit for use by the public and facilitate the public to obtain health care information.
Keywords: Health Services, Android, and Maps
Penulis: Listya Febri Fathoni,  Mushlihudin, Kartika Firdausy, Anton Yudhana
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd160261

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