Development of Wireless Electric Field Mill for Atmospheric Electric Field Observation
Abstract: Rotating-vane
electric field mill (REFM) sensor is one of the popular methods to measure atmospheric
quasi-static electric field. Lightning incident occasion can be predicted by
observing electric fields strength in atmosphere. In this paper an integration
of REFM with an online wireless data monitoring system for long distance
observation and data collection is presented. This method reduces the requiredman-hour
to gather data from the REFM as well as system costs by removing the computer
and data logger on-site. The development includes hardware and software design
in order to improve efficiency the atmospheric electric field measurement
system. The contribution of this work is the design of the electronic circuit
which converts the ac signal from the REFM sensor to dc signal and then
correlates the signal to the electric field strength in the vicinity.
Subsequently the information is transmitted via a wireless datatransmission
system, using the Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) network. Using the
proposed method, all the data from sensors can be observed and analysed
immediately from any location.
Author: Muhammad Abu Bakar
Journal Code: jptkomputergg140135