Home Appliance Control with Publish Subscribe in Social Media
Abstract: Nowadays, Internet
social media has enriched the way people to communicate and interract each other.
Will it be possible for people to interact with their home appliances around?
This paper proposes a new approach in smart home system that made possible for
people to remotely interact with their appliances using social media networks.
In this paper, we present a smart home prototype system that leverages
Twitter’s Application Program Interface (API) to remottely control home
appliances over the Internet. Experiment results showed that the system
immediately responds to remote commands sent over a social media account to
control home appliances. The system responds the command in 3672.96 ms. Publish-subscribe
method work better in mass announcement communication system. Home system could
notice all householders in less than 6 s independenly from number of
householder. Our proposed method gives alternative solution to build reliable,
fast and simple control method.
Author: Sabriansyah Rizqika
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150070